Finally Finished

It sat there in my sewing room like an accusation, It was pointing a shaming finger at me. I started a quilt top in March at a retreat and got most of it done, but then could not find the time to finish it. I will never again wonder how people have quilt tops stacked up waiting for attention. Now I know how it happens.

When I got home from the retreat, it took the rest of the month to get caught up. Then it was time to get ready for the next month. And that is how it goes. While finishing up one month, I have to get ready for the next month’s classes. They all involve making class samples and the embroidery one takes at least a week to work up.

So I finally was able to get some time carved out to work on the quilt I started in March. I really like how it came out. The back is especially cool. Though I did not take any photos of it. Here is the front, all quilted and ready for the bed.

endsFrench braid quilt - Moving On by Scrappy Catscenterbottom triangles