
This past month I have been working on stitched postcards and was able to come up with some very cute ones. To be sure they could be mailed I too them to the Post Office and they were mailed back to me, going through the machinery, etc. I told the clerk at the Post Office I needed to test them so instead of putting the cards in the local mail collection box, he put them in the box that sent them to Waco. They came through with flying colors!

Here is the fish one that I really love. To make those bubbles, I put a piece of tulle over the area, free motioned/stitched those little circles and then cut the excess tulle away. The pattern for this fish comes from EQ (Electric Quilt) a software program that helps me design quilts.

fish postcard

                                                                                                                                                                                                            The grey kitty cat was a graphic that was simple enough for me to duplicate by just tracing over the different shapes of his body.The white cat is a paper piecing I reconstructed from a photo someone posted on the internet of their postcard.

cat postcardpaper pieced postcard