Finally finished the silly thing

Why is it when I have a project that should be straight forward and easy to do, it will consume my time voraciously for days on end?

But, I finally finished this project! The All About ME class I teach at the end of the month is doing a casserole carrier in May. Of course, I need to make one ahead of time so people can decide if they want to take the class or not. It did not help that the class was supposed to be taught using a hat pattern or a slipper pattern. Neither of these would really go over very well. So I decided we could make coasters with a little fabric box to hold them and the embroidery we did would be on the box. Well, after stitching out the embroidery work twice, I realized that there was no way that this would work with the design given for the class. So, finally I decided to do a casserole carrier.

Making a casserole carrier should be easy. It is two lengths of fabric that are sewn together like a plus sign. Right? Wrong. You have to figure out how to do this and that and no binding as we have done binding in just about everything we have made for the past year. I feel like I made three of these from all the ripping out and restitching I have done this past week. I scheduled ONE day to make this once I got it all figured out and ended up spending three days on it. But it is done! and I think it really looks nice.

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