Orange Toothpaste

It happens about every other year that I need to purchase a new tube of toothpaste. One of those huge tubes will last for quite a long time. A dentist once took his time to explain to me how I should be brushing my teeth – little bitty brush and just a dab of toothpaste. That way you get everything and the toothpaste is not cushioning your teeth from the effects of the brush. So it takes about two years for me to use up a tube of toothpaste.

So, last week I shop the toothpaste aisle at Wally World and find there are about ten kinds of toothpaste for each brand. Lets see, do I want whitening? do I want tartar control? how about some of the super foaming stuff that will work its way into the cracks and crevices? Oh, my look there are different flavors as well! It can be a bit overwhelming. Why can’t they just put out a tube that says, “This, one is for you Nancy.”

So I opt for the citrus flavor cause it is cheaper than the others. Gotta watch those pennies, ya know. I saved about fifteen cents (why can’t I find the cent symbol anywhere?)

The first morning I used it I discovered why it was cheaper that all the rest. They had to get rid of it before everybody found out it is not the color you want to see in the morning before you are fully awake. Actually, it is not the color you wanna put on your toothbrush even when you are fully awake! Then when you get it into your mouth (closing your eyes helps) you wanna spit it right back out again. The idea of a sweet toothpaste just kinda sours the mind on toothpaste if you know what I mean.

So, I gotta put up with this for at least a year – by then I won’t feel bad throwing away a half used tube of toothpaste. Though, perhaps I might be able to pawn it off on one of the daughters. Though if I want them to continue to talk to me and not put me out of their lives, I had better come clean with why I don’t want it.


Here is a photo of it, I want everyone to know and beware. Amazon is selling them in a six pack. They have found out and are trying to get rid of them as fast as they can before the word gets out.


One comment

  • cheryl

    I would just take it back .. reason why they ask .. it taste like Sh**
    Crest will never know unless you return 🙂