Big News All Around!

It’s hard to decide which is the biggest news to start with! so without any order here it all is:

I am now at Natural Designs in Scrapbooking – a major big store and I am thrilled.I have about 15 products uploaded so far and will be working on getting more in the store in the weeks to come.

I got a brand new computer! It has 8 GB of memory and a 580 GB hard drive. Walmart had it for soooo cheap, I could not resist. Though I did wait for about a month to be sure I was really wanting it.

I finally broke down and purchased that software that was eating at me – it cost more than the computer! After waiting since last Fall, I just could not see putting the old Adobe software on my brand new computer.

We got a baby crib for the grandson for when he visits – so much nicer for him, his mama and the rest of us. I first redid that guest room to make it look nice and inviting and then added the crib. It did not cost anymore than the taxes on the software I got from Adobe, so I figured why not.

Grandson is growing and can now roll over from stomach to back. Not so fun for his mama as he can’t yet get back to his tummy again and won’t sleep on his back. They were just here for a few days and it was great to see both of them. He is not one to be rocked to sleep, but is such a wiggle worm! But, when it is time for bed, his mama just has to lay him down and out he goes. I just don’t remember it being that easy for my two babies.

So there you have it, my news! all of it is very exciting to me, perhaps you will rejoice a little with me? I hope to get better again at this blog stuff, so be looking for some freebies and all in the days ahead.


  • Debbie

    Can grats for the dive on the new computer! I am sure you deserve it. I always say you need the tools to do the job. Enjoy the grandbaby as they grow up fast and you will look back and it will warm you soul. I have 7! Hugs, Deb P

  • SO glad to hear all the new and exciting news!!!! I was beginning to worry about you :-).
    Congrats all around … on the computer, the software and the news digs for your grandson :-). Yes, be sure to enjoy every tiny second! I can’t believe my youngest grandbaby is already 8 and the oldest 2 are 16!! I miss the little babies … but they are all wonderful kids so I’m not wishing them to regress or anything, LOL!