Kicked to the curb!

Yep that is what I feel like. I have been trying to figure out a way to get my adobe software for several weeks now. On the Adobe site there was this special that reduced the upgrade price by $200. It still would have been lots and lots of bucks, but I could have barely afforded it. Well, I cannot find my disk for the original program that would be upgraded==Macromedia MX2004. They say they have no record of me registering it–of course they don’t they did not own Macromedia in those days and of course they don’t care. This one girl said, “why don’t you just get the full version?” Well, duh, the full version of the product is about a thousand bucks! and then to add in the photoshop and illustrator would be another $600.

So, I discover on their website that they have educational prices–way, way reduced prices . . . like $1000 cheaper! (Ya, this stuff is expensive big time) So, hey, I am a retired schoolteacher, I could use the discount as much as any other person in education. But, wrong! Oh no, you have to be currently working in the education field not retired. Who cares that Texas disabled and retired teachers don’t make squat! They got their use out of us and now we are kicked to the curb.

Sigh, vent over. I am going to start saving my pennies. Maybe I will have enough by the time the next version comes out.

Moving ON

Today’s photo, or should I say tonight’s photo pays tribute to my faithful companion, Clio. The little lady is such a comfort to me. She craves lap time. If she feels she has not got enough time in my lap, she comes to the computer room and starts tapping at my elbow to let me know it is time to go to the chair! She spends many an hour by my side here in the computer room, looking out the window or rolled up in a bed. Tonight she is in the bed by my chair waiting for me to call it quits. Doesn’t she look sweet?

Do you think I need to get her a larger bed? LOL

Moving on

Do you all find it easy to sleep in, or are you one of those that are up at the crack of dawn? My family will attest to the fact that I am a sleeper in from way back. Sleeping in until noon is my favorite thing to do and I love to stay up most the night for a good sleep in.

But no more. It doesn’t matter what time I get to bed anymore, I am up around dawn. Of course, dawn has been around 7:30 or 8:00 so that is not too bad. I miss the sleeping in, but am getting a lot done! But what happens when dawn is earlier and earlier towards the middle of summer? will I be able to at least stay in bed past 7:00?

I sure hope this is not one of those age things. You know how some elderly people tend to sleep less and less–am I going to be one of those? Please NOOOOOOO! I love my bed!

Oh and because I have to give equal billing, here is Dayton–he is watching me to be sure he gets in. He will be mean to Clio if he doesn’t get in. So, please bear with me.

One comment

  • Nancy, if you are enrolled in some online courses you can take advantage of their educational discount. I have taken courses at and gotten deep discounts on filters and stuff. Might want to check it out … didn’t you just take a course? Or even to enroll at LVS (modest price!) just to get the discount! 🙂