Hunker Down –Hurricane Ike

Hunker down is what Houstonians are expect to do.

Hubbie drove down yesterday to retrieve the truck we have there and see about getting my mother to safety. The nursing home where she had been for treatment for a bone infection decided she needed to be released. With the assisted living home, her permanent residence, being closed due to the hurricane she ended up at my sister’s house which is in Crosby – a little town on the outskirts of the Houston Metro area. My sister was alone with her and so hubbie decided that his duty was to ride out the storm there. So he did all he could with our house and things in Pasadena – which is on the south edge of the Houston Metro area –and is going to hunker down with sis and mom in Crosby.

It’s looking bad. News reports are reporting that the water is already rising and there are roads flooded and people that had thought to stay are now trying to leave. Galveston Island has very few points that will be above water after the storm surge hits. The Houston Ship Channel cuts right into the heart of Houston and its millions of people. Skyscrapers will lose their glass, during Hurricane Alicia sheets of glass fell like guillotines. People are going to die and there is no escaping that fact.

Please keep my family and the other families of Houston in your prayers tonight and in the days to come.