So what do you do?

Warning this is a rant!
You pay big bucks for cells phones and service cause it is just necessary with a hubbie on the road, a wife living alone most of the time with long drives to get anywhere, and a daughter with no land line. You purchase insurance on each of those phones and with a sinking feeling in your gut, you sign that two year contract.

Then six months later, the daguther’s cell phone goes dead and leaves her without any means of communication. No problem, that is why you got that insurance. It took a lot of frustration and there was a lot of rudness, but eventually the phone is replaced. (With an hour drive each way for each trip to the service store.) BUT—six months later it happens again, with the same problems. I called Sprint (yes I will tell you their name cause I am thoroughly mad at them!) and we get told we HAVE to replace the phone with the same model and make of the phone that has gone out now twice. After many phone calls and much gnashing of teeth we bow to the inevitable. The contract had 11 months to go at that time.

Well, now the phone is gone again for third time!!

I’ve called Spint, I’ve called Sanyo and I’ve called Assurion – the insurance company that handles their insurance on the cell phones. Its all no joy. When the daughter went in to the service store this time she was told it was the battery and since they don’t make this battery anymore she will have to buy a new phone, but hey we will give you $$ towards buying the phone, and put $$ on the account and it will only extend your contract another two years! WOW –we do not want to extend the contract, that is for sure. If we want to replace this phone through the online service, we will have to pay $50 and will get the same model and make as the broke phone –the one that keeps breaking and the one that you cannot get a new battery for. ALSO if we purchase a new phone, when the contract is up in six months we will not be able to use it with any other company – that is what Sprint says. I asked because I considered just putting the bucks down for a new phone. But, those things are expensive to just be able to use for six months. My other daughter said they should be able to unlock the phone to be used with another company, but Sprint is saying NO.

OH and did I mention that they want $200 per phone if we break the contract?


  • I know cel phones are such a pain! We had problems with Verizon, Nextel, AT & T & Metro PCS. Frustrating! I think all the companies work together to come up with ridiculous rules to annoy us all. That way, you can’t switch because you get the same crappy service from each company, lol.

  • hello, just to let you know I’ve used some of your ADSD kit in a layout I’ve posted on my blog and in my RAKScraps Gallery.

  • Beth H

    I completely understand your problem. Hubby was with nextel for 10+ years when Sprint bought them out…and then they went to crap. What happens is when you use the “insurance” to get a new phone, you are getting a phone that has been REFURBISHED. It is NOT a new phone, but rather one that someone sent back because something was wrong with it. We ended up leaving Spring because of that problem!! Hubby lost his phone, we called, reported it lost, ordered a new one. It came 2 weeks later (2 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!—we dont have a home phone!!!! and I am a SAHM with an at the time 10 month old daughter!!) and we had the phone for about 2 months or those 2 months, he had service for maybe 10 hours. LITERALLY. He would all of a sudden get service, and have voicemails from 2 weeks before, because his phone never had service. I called Sprint and complained several times. Their solution? Send it back, at our cost, and they’ll send us another one when they receive it. MY BUTT! We never got the credits for the previous 3 phones we recycled through them!!! Their other solution was they would give us $$ off another phone. Well at that point we were sick and tired of their b.s. and we left. Thankfully I got the woman on the phone to realize that we were NOT in contract, that ordering a new phone through insurance does NOT count as renewing our policy, and she set the date back for each phone, so that we were out of our contract. Then we went to AT&T’s website and within 2 days had our new phones, had them activated, and toodleoo Sprint. Who by the way never refunded us our deposit…boogars!!! We almost never drop calls with AT&T and we rarely lose service…especially compared to how bad it was with Sprint. We live in a little bitty town in Texas near Bastrop/Lockhart…used to be we could make a call out in the pasture with our Nextel phones…then Sprint took over, and we couldnt get calls in our HOUSE half the time! Now with AT&T I proved the other day when we were out at the campsite in our property, we can get calls anywhere just about!! 😀

    Good Luck!! I hope y’all get this solved QUICKLY!!