Category Archives: Freebies

Scrapper’s Zone Teen Goth Freebies

We just finished putting together an awesome kit at Scrapper’s Zone called Goth Teen. Eleven of us designers there contributed to this huge collaboration and the results are totally out of the ordinary. Here are some previews of it.

Click on the top preview to go see the kit and all the details about it. Severall of us have created some brag book quick pages to give you using this kit. We are giving them away on our blogs. Here is the list of blogs to visit to pick these up:
Cindy Ritter DigiScrap Designs

Move Fearlessly

Pretty Scrappy

Cherrish Treasures


Kreative Junkie

And here is my brag book quick pages for you. This kit was so much fun to work with that I made 6 of them instead of jusst one.

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ADSDesingers September Collaboration Kit

September’s ADSDesigners collab kit is a fall themed kit with gorgeous colors. Here are the designers who have items of this kits on their blogs. Click on their names to be take to their blog. A new page will open up for each link. So you will be able to keep this page up while you blog hop around the list.

Grafx 4 All
A Changed Heart
Andrea’s Blog
Angel Flying Solo
Meanderings and Crafts
Beckmoore Scrapalittle
Lighthouse Designs
Brooke & Joni
Ahh Scrap
Carol R
Artys Granny Digital Deslights
Digital Scrap Fun
Charlie’s Digi Scrap
Crative Digital Scraps
Crazy Diamond
Designs by Crazy Diamond
The Scrappin’ Cop
Digital Keepsakes
Jaydensmama Designs
Jamie’s Creations and Scraps
Blue Toille Scrap
Kathy Goldstein
The Scraploft
City Scribe Scraps
Fairydust Princess Magigmaker
Lioness3 Legacies
Designs by Lioness Legacies
Scrappin’ with Ladye
Lori J
Gone Scrappin Designs
Heavely Crafts
Mags Graphics
Scraps with Spunkitude
Crafters Boutique
EmCee Designs
Designs by Mel
This ‘n That and Scrapbook Chat
Burhardt Scrappin Zone
Michelle Blagg
In a Sunshine State of Mind
Scrappinmammas Digitals
Nancy Schmidt
Nancy’s Nook
NB Digiscrappin
Panda Bear Designs
LSOL Designs
The BuzyBee Hive
AllieKat Creations
Creations by Rachael
Scrappy Shannon
Shel Belle Scraps
A Zone for Digi Scraps
Kalo Designs
Stephanie’s Stuff
Teris Thing-o-my-Jigs
Theresa’s Designs
Virginia Higgins
Lady V dZine
Lori Imel
Living 4 Him
By God’s Design
By God’s Design
Amber LaBau
Stolen Moments
Late Night Scraps

And of course here is my contribution. The wheat stalks really look better in real life at 300 ppi. I spent a full afternoon making those, drawing them out in Photoshop, so enjoy.

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Backyard Playground


The Yahoo Group called Aspiring Digital Designers has put together a great collab for you all to download for FREEEE! Each of us has our part on our blog. Here is the preview of my part, you can download it by clicking on the download image below the preview. My portion consists of two clusters, six papers, six stamp motifs, and a few odds and ends I made for the clusters. Not all the pieces of the clusters are included individually – the terms of use that came with them would not allow that.  OH – yes that is a shadow on the clusters, the one with the jar really needed it and I know it is almost impossible to put those in on a flat file. The crochet flower has one of those shadow things too. 



To pick up the other parts of this awesome collab, visit these blogs below.The collab links are supposed to be up for a month, but the longer you wait to get them, the harder it will be to find them among the blog posts of the various designers. So – you have some time, but don’t take forever – lol

Aeryn-Munchins Scraps
Beth-Lighthouse Designs
Brookeat Ahh Scraps
Crystal(Scrap Amazed)
Dawn-Bearlyscrapping Designs
DebbieBeckmoore’s Designs
Debi-Sweet Adaline Designs
Denise-Crazy Diamond
Donna-MamaDukez Creations
Joni at Ahh Scraps
Joy-Share Joy
Karen-Lighthouse Scrapping
Kay-Grandma’s Pixels
Kelly KSH Scrapping
Kim-Kim’s Scrappin
Krisi’s Kreations
Lara- Lara’s Digi World
Leaonna-Busy Scrappin
Lori Scripity Scrap
Mollie SwordaScrappin
Monica – Random Inspirations
Nadine Scrappinmama’s Digitals
Nancy Scrappy Cats
Nikki JustPassinThrough
Patty-Secondhand Angel
Penny-Allicat Kreations
Rachael-Creations by Rachel
Shannon-One Scrap at a Time
Stella-Stellarific Creations
Sue-Scrap Stew Sue
Utski Scraps

This and That and a CU Freebie

I’ve been away from my computer a lot lately. We’ve had family things going on. The older daughter and hubbie were here this weekend and it was so nice to see her. Have I mentioned she is expecting? We find out – boy or girl on July 7th. She is just now started to “show” just a little. The younger daughter made supper at her place and it was scrumptious – alfredo sauce to die for!

Moving On

My fur babies have been allowed out for the last two nights and they somehow were able to behave. Isn’t it wondrous how sometimes cats can be so good and other times you wanna yank their tails? I am working on getting de-programed. They really had me the way they wanted me. I would feed them in the morning bright and ealry right off the bat. Once, they had that programmed into me, they started getting me up earlier and earlier. Its hard, but I am breaking that programing. Now, I make sure to brush my teeth, fix breakfast and maybe even eat it before I feed them.

Clio has been happy though. She has been getting lots of lap time. That is something she just thrives on. As soon as she hears that recliner click back, she comes plodding out to get in my lap. If I am eating in the chair she will sit towards my feet. This all stems from when we first met each other. I was desparately ill and could not do much but sit in my recliner and she was very nervous about losing this new home she had found. So we spent hours and hours each day together in that chair. I feel she was part of my recovery. Her calm accepting behavior and unconditional love just kept me going.

Moving On

Saturday, hubbie was locked out of the house while I went shopping with the girls. For some reason the door locked when he went outside to fill up the bird feeders and put out corn for the other critters. While out waiting on me to get home, he watched a huge snake crawl across the drive way and then up into a tree to get him some supper. This snake had to have been at least five feet long hubbie says. So when I got home after dark, we took the big, red neck flashlight and went looking. I also brought along my little weenie flashlight that needed batteries. So, here we were searching the tree branches for this snake. The June bugs were dive bombing us, the crickets were roaring and the red bugs were chowing down on. Then it occurs to me to wonder just what did we think we were going to do IF we found this snake? We don’t kill snakes unless we have to. We do the catch and release thing. We looked around the outside of this stand of trees but did not go into the brush underneath the trees. THANK GOODNESS! I just don’t think my nerves could have taken that. But, we found no snake. My little flashlight was geting weaker and weaker. Hubbie showed me where the snake crossed the drive way. And then we came in. Actually, it is a dirt road, calling it a drive way is like calling a shed a barn. Where the snake was seen is not close to the house, about a half block away. So I am not too worried about that snake. Plus, when hubbie looked him up, it looked to be a King Snake. They eat all the bad snakes -the rattlers, copperheads and stuff. So we want him to stick around. Sigh, he may not be the kind to hurt me, but like my mother in law used to say, he could cause me to hurt myself!

Moving On

Today’s freebie is a set of overlays. There are three sets of two. Each set has a simple pattern and a more complex pattern of the same flower. You can use either one by itself, or you could use the simple pattern on top of the complex patter and make it a different color. Take the complex one, put a color burn on its layer, then add the simple one on top of it, lock the transparent pixels and then do a color fill. That will change the color of its flowers. (To lock transparent pixels in Photoshop, choose the layer you wish to lock, click the little box on the layer palette that says lock and then a padlock appears on the layer you have locked. Then when you do a color fill, all the transparent pixels stay transparent.) I also included three papers with texturs and all I made using the overlays for those of you who have to desire to make your own papers.

overlays preview

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Tuesday is Here also a CU freebie

It is Tuesday isn’t it? I have not seen anyone since hubbie left on Friday. Though, I did walk down to the mailbox and also watered the plants. I thinki I did that on Sunday???

But, finally I got a respite, a little breather. All my obligations for the month are done and there is a little breather before time to start on next month’s work. I even had time to fix the ads at the ScrappersZone Forum. At first it looked like it was going to be contrary and then I rememered to upload the database back up. Such a simple thing, but that was all it took. Without the database it could not run!

There is a tutorial on the DigiScrapStation blog on how to make a photo look like this:

background blur

And yes, that is me with my long hair and green cap. I think I am about 15 pounds lighter there and we were on vacation in Louisianna.

Moving ON

So, Dayton and Cio have been allowed out at night while hubbie is away. I don’t mind fussing at them in the middle of the night when he is not here to be disturbed. They are doing OK, only trying to get me up once or twice a night and not persisting when I fuss at them. Though, this morning they were pretty desparate. Their food dish was ALMOST empty, and gee, the food in it was at least 6 hours old.

It is comforting to be able blame the cats for noises you hear in the night. Those of you who live alone might know what I mean. The house creaks, something goes thud or perhaps a pipe rattles. With cats around you become used to all kinds of noises and learn to ignore them. But, when they were shut up in at night, I could not ignore the sounds. So, they get a reprieve when hubbie is away. They love him very much, so I hope they don’t figure out that his prescence at night means they get shut up. Its funny though, you would think they would keep out of the office during they day when they are not shut up in here, but if I am here, they have to be here. They are my little shadows, although they sleep most of the time. Clio is funny though. She can really sleep pretty hard and if I don’t wake her up when I go to bed, she wakes up in the dark and start howling, wondering where everybody is. Soo cute.

Moving On

The title promised a Commercial Use Freebie – though everybody can use these. They are lantern stamps. They are the kind of images that look like you have stamped them with a rubber stamp. I thought these might be cute on camping layouts and maybe some old timey layoutst too. There are six files.

freebie preview

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ScrappersZone is fixed! Pig Update, Tut and CU Brushes freebie

For real, Scrapper’s Zone is up and running everything is working. After hours and hours of work we got it humming along just fine. Oops, the calendar is not quite going yet, maybe I’ll get around to it and just maybe I can talk Nichole into dropping it. She just might put it back up herself, maybe. That gallery, I really had to just walk away from it several times, it was soo frustrating. I was able to get it up and running from the old server just fine. But, when it was time to bridge it so the same log ins worked there and in the forum it just would not budge. I tried every permutation of cookie names, cookie path, domain name and all. That database and me became real familiar with each other. It turned out, I think, that the domain name on the forum needed a period in front of it. I have never heard of this and just don’t know exactly what this is all about, and really don’t care at all. EXCEPT IT WORKS!

Moving ON

Wild Pig update: Hubbie and I walked the south pasture tonight and he showed me where this critter has been digging. It really went to town on a lot of property which is why hubbie believes it is a pig and not an armadillo. He says it is likely to be a domestic pig gone feral, and they are not as ferocious as a havelina, unless they have a bunch of little ones. There was not evidence of little ones though. We did run across quite a few of the hostess gifts left behind by the cow that was visiting a while back. Such a sweet guest.

Moving ON

Ok I pulled a miracle out for the SZ gallery. Now I need one for myself. I’ve been so busy lately working on the new store, getting SZ up and running and before that on National Scrapbooking Day, that I was ignroing my External Hard Drive, or the EHD as some people like to call them. I have two and one of them I use as backup and the other is used for extra space. Well, the one used for extra space has gone bonkers on me. It started by not letting me access the files there in a timely fashion, then it started being contrary in other ways. And now? well, it does not look good. I was able to boot it up for a few minutes to get some dvds burned, but not the ones I really wanted. Now, all my digi layouts are gone unless I can get this booted up just a little more time. The warranty expires in 18 days, I wonder what Western Digital knows that we don’t know? Are these things only supposed to last one year?? You have to wonder.

So tommorrow, I am going to be hot and heavy on the phone to Western Digital asking “Please, Please will you help me?” Gosh, I hate tech support . . I never seem to speak their language. I am going to pray for my EHD tonight before going to bed, do you think that will help? Perhaps I also need to pray for patience too.

Moving ON

I made a tutorial for you all on how to make grunge brushes. Its at:

It shows just one way to make grunge brushes how to make many kinds. With that in mind, I have a set of grunge brushes to give you all. It is commercial use Ok. There are four brushes in the download and sorry but no directions are included at this time on how to use brushes. But, if you do a google search I am sure you can find plenty of places that will give you lessons on how to load and use brushes. Also, these brushes do not have any brush preset settings on them. They are just straight up and down image brushes. The png’s are included for those of you who might need them.

grunge brush preview

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Popsicle Paradise Blog Parade pick up all the freebies!

Hurrah, it is a blog parade! There are a whole lot of designer bloggers who have put their heads together for this blog parade. Each one will have some sort of freebies for you using the same color scheme! I am not sure how long the other ladies are keeping their links us, and I really am not supposed to put my up until June 1, which is still 2 and a half hours away, but gee, tomorrow is my birthday and I don’t plan on running into here to get on the computer first thing in the morning. Sooooo, I am going to try this high techie thing and see if I can get it to publish right on the dot of midnight. Ya’ll enjoy now!

Here is the list of participants and the links to their blogs. Be sure to leave some love to let them know how great it was of them to do this.
Faye –was not available earlier, but is now
Nancy —thats me and you are here!! lol

AND here is my contribution. I just could not seem to stop and made quite a few things. There are 12 papers, including four solids and even a Quick Page. Plus, a lot of elements that you see here. There are four download links so be sure to get it all. As usual, there is no wait on the downloads.

Popsicle Paradise Preview





My First Action and more CU Flower Overlays

Its in the store, my first Commercial Use Photoshop action. Once upon a time a while back, I put a button action in my MooTwo donation. But, this is the first action I have put up for sale. It is a transparent ribbon with just a hint of texture. Its 18 inches long and half an inch tall and has been tested in CS, CS2 and CS3! Its a simple thing, but we all need those ribbons now and then to round out our kits. You can get it at DigiScrapStation or MooTwoDesigns The files also include a information sheet on how to use Photoshop actons. Here is a preview:

action preveiw

Moving ON


For those of you who remember the cow that came visiting me for suppper time every night – she has rejoined her herd and left lots of thank you gifts. I think the babysitting opportunities is what convinced her to return to the herd. That young-un of hers was a handful. He was trying to take bites out of my porch one night. And he never stayed where she put him for sure. I hope she has a happy and long life.

But, while the cow is gone, hubbie says the wild pig is back. Yep, we got a wild pig now roaming the south end of the property. Those things can get mean, but we don’t know the scoop on this one yet. But, hubbie has seen where it has dug up the ground in various places. I guess they do that looking for good roots and stuff to eat. Brother in Law says to carry a gun when I go to the mail box. I can’t figure out if he is joking or not. Sigh

Moving on

Hopoe you all had a great Memorial Day. We got gussied up and went to the big town of Belton, pop. 14,623, and got us some real good lip smacking, finger licking type ribs. I am still full six hours later! Other than that, hubbie watched war movies all day on the television. But we did nothing else.

Your freebie!

For today’s freebie I have another set of Commercial Use Flower Overlays. Along with them is a texture overlay. But, the texture is in color. I want you all to try it in color and see how it works with your papers. It is amazing how these colors will affect the overall paper. Of course, you can also, go ahead and desaturate it if you don’t like the effect and use a grayed out version of it. But, I thought I would just get you all to try the color one. Set the layer blend mode to overlay or color burn or color dodge and you will be amazed at how it works.

freebie preview

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No Cow today

Strange how you can get used to something in just two days. Well, the cow did not show up today, at least not while I was here. Perhaps she found some greener grass. Though, thanks to her our grass will be greener soon!

Guess she is MOVING ON

All of us have recieved the news that Hello, that instant messenger service will no longer be available soon. Some of us got on Goober, an alternative to Hello,  tonight and gave it a test drive. It really is a cool program – though someone said something about it crashing computers. None of ours crashed thank goodness. But, what I really like about it is you can share photos and images with more than one person at a time. We used to switch back and forth between Hello and MSN talking together on MSN and then going to Hello to share images. Tonight we were all on together talking and sharing images using only one program. I still have not figured out all the buttons and gadgets, but got a kick out of the sounds some of the smilies made. 🙂

I got my mother’s day flowers today – youngest daughter gave me some orange roses. They are sooo pretty. I pulled out a single one to put in a bud vase by my computer so I can look at it while I work. Kind of funny, I just ordered my mother’s flowers today and then I get my own. Kinda like karma you know.

Again, the freebie is a commercial use one. It is three paisley brushes for you all. I included a png file for each brush if you want to just use them to make overlays. I also included the sample paper I made with one of the brushes. . . thought you all might want to see it in action. The sample paper is the background you see in the preview.

Paisley Bruses Preview


Is that all there is? oh and another CU Freebie

So I’ve put on a few pounds these past few years, well a lot of pounds. At five foot almost nine inches you would think I could carry a lot of weight. But not so, with tiny bones, the weight causes problems. I’ve been on a few serious diets but nothing too extreme. But, now it is time to do something drastic, like maybe eat healthy for a change. Tuesday, when I went to the grocery store – the day I got my photos taken – I kept this in mind and was careful to leave the candy on the shelves and to look for alternatives. I even picked up some salad makings. AT checkout, I discovered healthy is expensive! I paid $111 for my groceries and when I carried them into my house, it only took three trips – Is that all there is for $111?

For lunch instead of eating sandwiches, two sandwiches being the norm, I decided to go the Lean Cuisine route. So the first day, yesterday, I self righteously got the box out of the freezer and followed the directions. When I pulled the meal out of the box, it was like, where is all the food. Is that all there is?? I was good, I determined to eat it up and not crave more. So, I put it on a plate and got a small fork to make it last longer. There were like five bites of chicken in there and a little bit of sauce AND broccoli and carrots for veggies. But, gee we have apples with crunchies for dessert on the tray. Holding off on dessert til last, when I started in on the apples, I found they had an unusual flavor. What is that flavor? could it be a caramel taste? If I could just identify the flavor perhaps I could enjoy it more. Then Iooked into the container, into the section with the apples and realized I was tasting broccoli juice. WEll, that spoiled the apples for me. What a bummer. So as I was cleaning up, what do I spy? The cherrie pie that I made on Sunday. It was just sitting there being evil. Did you know that cherrie pies can exude an evil atmosphere? This one was. But I was good, I did not eat any. After all the cool whip was still frozen and I had no ice cream. What good is cherry pie all by itself?

We will see how long I stay on this healthy food kick. History shows I am not good at this stuff called diet. Today, I had a beef and noodle dinner for lunch. I did not wait until I was starving to fix it and it was a little more satisfying. The cherry pie gave up a piece to me last night before I went to bed – now ithe pie is going out for the critters. It is soggy and very unappetizing. So I will not tempt myself any more.

Mama Cow came back tonight. AS i was cooking supper she was out there. She did not like all the noise I was making trying to find the right pots and pans so moved off. Then I saw she had brought junior up with her. Oh Boy! more cow patties. He was hiding in the brush towards the back where she must have stashed him while she ate supper. When she moved off, he had to follow and he was like, Is that all there is? I could totally relate.

Hey, I added another item to my blog – check it out on the left at the bottom of the column. Its a way for you to subscribe to my blog. It is set so every time I make a new post, subscribers will get an email. As most the time when I post, I give out a freebie, you might want to sign up. If you don’t like it, you can always unsubscribe. How cool is that!  will try to be sure I put in the title if I have  freebie with the post as the title of my blog post will be the subject line of the email you get. That way you will know if it is worth it to come read.

The freebie for this post is another Commercial Use Freebie. Its three bows to recolor. For some reason I learned how to make bows way back when I just started designing. No one told me they were hard and that a lot of designers could not do them. So I persevered and taught myself how. Here are three I made yesterday for you to download.

CU bows preview

Click here to go to the no wait download page


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