The Ongoing Saga continues

Its been too long, way too long!

May 27 wake up with congestion and major coughing. Have to cancel plans to attend Memorial Day cemetery cleaning/visits, During the day, ear issues develop

May 29 get in to see PA and get RX for antibiotics and cough syrup, plus directions on what OTC to take Ear Infection disappears in days

June 14 see PA again – more coughing

June 24 Vertigo sets in –coughing gone, but Vertigo is so bad I cannot walk

June 25 see PA again, cry and throw up cause the vertigo is soooo bad

June 28 See ENT – MRI scheduled Hearing test administered  down the hall

July 16 – follow up with ENT –also balance test administered IF YOU EVER ARE OFFERED ONE OF THESE DECLINE Doc gives RX for antibiotics and steroids. Says there is heavy mucus in my mastoid

August 8   Doc gives another round of antibiotics and refers me to a ear specialist. Won’t see him until August 27



Poor hubby he has to drive me anywhere I need to go as, of course with this vertigo I can’t drive. But this crap has been going on all summer and I am gaining weight like you wouldn’t believe! About early July, I decided that I was not going to stay sitting in my chair anymore and have been sewing and working on the computer. It takes twice as long to get stuff done, but stuff is getting done. That helps in that I am not fretting over stuff that is waiting on me.

OK, just had to let it out. Moving on