Wow! Peanut Butter Cupcakes

The day before Memorial Day, Fort Hood opens up to let families visit the cemeteries that are on the range that is part of the base. There are quite a few of them as the army took over a LOT of property through the years. (We’ll save that issue for another post.) Hubby’s family gets together and goes to each one that has family buried in them. They try to clean and take care of the graves. I go along when I can. But, I just don’t do HEAT very well. Generally the tempatures are in the hight 90’s for these occasions and there is NO SHADE to be found at any of the cemeteries.

After the rounds are made we all congregate to have a family get-together and of course EAT! This year I made some Reese’s Pieces cupcakes. I really outdid myself on these. They were so good, I could not resist them. They are made with a chocolate cake mix and peanut butter icing. To make the peanut butter icing, you just add peanut butter to your decorating icing. I made a double batch of icing (2 lbs of pwd. sugar) and added about two thirds of a large jar of peanut butter. But be sure to leave the mixer out to add in the peanut butter. It really gets stiff. I finally added about a half cup of water to loosen it up some. But, I warn you! These things are good so be sure you have people to share them with or you will end up eating way too many! LOL