
As I lay in the chair this afternoon contemplating taking a nap, my precious cat Clio decided she needed a bath in my lap. This is a regular occurrence and comforting in it regularity. But as I watched her do her cleaning rituals I wondered how she knew what parts of her body to clean. Ya, I know, kind of silly to think about. But, hey, just HOW does she know that that back leg needs cleaning or that particular spot on her belly?

Then I got to thinking about other trees in the forest that are falling and no one hears or cares. Why do crickets only sing when there is no one around and stop when you come near? Don’t they want us to hear their pretty song? But rattle snakes shake their rattles when others ARE around, guess they are wanting to scare us off. But sometimes that is the only way you know there is a rattler around is by their sound since they blend in to the leaves and ground so well. Why can I work my calculator so much better without as many mistakes when I print on the adding machine tape? It’s the same calculator and same buttons? How come people call and say what are you doing when they know you are talking on the phone to them? Perhaps they should say, “What did I interrupt?”

Why does television have nothing good on during the weekend when people are home and able to watch? Yet during the week when we need to get up the next morning, there are always good shows on. How do hotels know they are going to have vacancies weeks in advance and are able to give companies like Priceline.com good deals for their customers? How do airlines know this also?

It has been a puzzling day for me thinking of all these things and I guess I just think too much!

Today’s photo is of Dayton checking out theĀ  the quilt that was in progress. It is made now, and there is a photo of it below the Dayton photo.

Checking it out

All DoneClose Up


  • thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! Thought I would stop by and return the favor. And I think you and the cat have been thinking w-a-a-a-a-y too hard today!

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