Ollie Ollie In Come Free

So just how does this work when one has been absent from their blog for a while? OK, OK – – it has been longer than a while. But, hey, we bought a house and we now live in town and I started sewing again and I now have a grandson visiting every month. But enough with the excuses, hopefully I can get going again on this blogging thing. I really enjoyed it in the past.

The new house has been taking up a BUNCH of our time, especially the hubby’s. He just now got the trailer home ready to sell, not that there have been people beating down our door to purchase it. He finally got the closet doors in the guest bedroom up and working – daughter is happy about that when she visits – tempting items can now be shut away from the grandson’s eyes and little hands.

He is putting up solar screens currently and THAT has led to a bunch of other projects. Turns out the keys to those burglar bars are not the ones we thought. So, it involved getting a locksmith out to make some new keys. Then, bricks needed fixing that were about to break apart and let the burglar bars come loose. So that needed fixing. It seems he just can’t start a project without it leading to five more and it is so frustrating for him.

I finally got the curtains done in the master bedroom, I really love how they turned out. Now I need to finish the bedspread that will go with them. That is a huge project, but I am about half way through on it. Though I keep taking time off from that project to do other things. This week I made a cute bag to carry my stuff back and forth to the quilting classes I am taking. It took so long cause I made the pattern as I was going along. It really came out a lot bigger than I thought it would! I am hoping that I will be able to sell the pattern to it in the quilting store, we will see.

Bag Front
Bag Back

One comment

  • Sheila

    So glad to see you back posting on the blog!!!!!! Sounds like you guys are keeping really, REALLY busy :-). I just love the kitty design on your quilting bag. I’m very much a kitty person.