Labor Day = Family Time

This past weekend was so precious! It all worked out so well without any planning or forethought. Don’t you just love when everything just falls into place like that?

Hubby made it home on Thursday to get things all squared away up here for the holiday weekend. Though, I don’t know what there was to “square away”. Then the older daughter came in on Friday with our grandson and we had a lot of time to talk and catch up. Plus, MiMi got to hold that precious bundle of energy and let him get used to us again. On Saturday we went into the big metropolis of Gatesville and had a lovely late lunch and then it was on to WalMart for stocking up on baby items for future use.

But, Sunday was the prize. The niece that lives up here on the hill with us had a fish fry planned for in the afternoon. So hubby got up in the morning and went to the younger daughter’s and did some plumbing work that had been planned. When he came home, he brought her with him. How he managed to pry her away from her studies is beyond me. But I do know those girls will do anything for their daddy.

Another suprise for us on Sunday was the attendance at the fish fry by hubby’s other brother and his family. It was so good to see them. We have not had much time with them and it was really nice to be able to chat and get to know them. Our prayers and loving thoughts have been with them this summer as they lost a son the beginning of July in a car accident. I don’t believe parents or brothers or sisters ever get over losing a family member like that, especially when he is only 18 years old.

Sunday evening and night we had all of us together under one roof for the first time in years and it felt so cozy and, well, just RIGHT. The girls did sister type things and the grandson relaxed in my lap for a long time. Those moments are precious and are stored away in my memory to warm me up on cold days.

Of course, all good times come to an end eventually, and they went home this morning. The laundry is done except for the sheets which I will get to tomorrow and I was able to get a layout done of a precious moment of this weekend. The grandson had his first bubble bath up here this weekend and of course the camera had to come out. Here is the layout I made with those photos. Is he not the most handsome little boy you have ever seen?



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