The Drawer

Once again I was up all night. With hubby gone I just don’t feel like going to bed sometimes. So while working on a photoshop action which involves a lot of wait time while it runs and runs and then runs again for checking and finding errors and the like, I decided to clean out my huge desk drawer.

We areĀ  not talking about just any desk drawer. This drawer is in one of those CEO, top dog type desks. It is longer than my arm and about as wide as my arm. It started out with looking for a cuticle trimmer that I KNOW was in there but just could not find it. This desk has been around in my life and been the respository of many, many parts of my life. I used it when teaching in the mddle school cause the desks provided by the school just did not work well for me. They were like military issue and did not hold squat.

The things I found in this drawer brought many memories. There was the leg band off CiCi, our orange wing amazon parrot that we had for years – about fifteen years that is. We found a better home for her that did not have cats eventually. But, she was such a sweetie to me, though Will only got screams from her. Also in the drawer was the old envelope for holding the key to our first safe deposit box. Does the younger generation use those these days? I also found 27 nail files, three screwdrivers, four rulers, the magnifying glass we have been looking for since 2003, crochet hooks, needles, a flashlight and an allen wrench.

Wow, what a trip down memory lane it all was. Memories came to the surface about where and when I have used this desk. The kids I counseled while sitting at it. The time I went to sit in my chair and fell on my rear, and then the times when it came moving day and yet again three men would have to be found to help move it.

It kind of makes me think about the people we have in our lives that are constants. They change with the times and serve different uses. They decorate themselves with different types clothes as the decades pass and then eventually they become filled with memories that are worth taking out and sorting now and then.

I had a bunch of pens and pencils that I started to save to take to the donation drop off place. Then it hit me, if I don’t want them why should I think that someone else would? I have those kind of memories too. That I don’t want and that really should not be shared. Those pains and sorrows or best left in the past. Of course, there are also good memories that are sorted, organized and reinforced by mulling over them.

Well, enough philosophy.

Moving On

The younger daughter and I got together a week or so ago for supper and a good chat. When we got back to her place her four cats finally came out to be sociable. They all are so precious. She raised three of them fromwhen then were about three weeks old. Each one has its own pesonalities and I wanted to share with you Shelby. She is a little overweight, all right, a bunch overweight but is so sweet to my daughter at times. But, this little girl is a hisser and can growl with the best of them if you want the afghan she is laying on or if you touch her when she does not want you to.

The cat nip was brought out and I just had to take these photos of her getting her cat nip. She looks so sweet there, but a few minutes lates she was hissing and ready to attack her brothers over the cat nip that was on the floor.

Cat Nip

Cat Nip

Of course, it won’t be too much longer before the daughter has the cat nip in a beer can or bottle and will have a photo of the cat holding a beer bottle and going after it. LOL!

Ya’ll have a good Sunday, ya hear?

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