3:30 AM and I am Cleaning

There is something so liberating about running the vacum in the wee hours of the morning. What is even more liberating is having the man out of the house when you are in a cleaning mood. I have found the prescence of one of the male species to have a very dampening effect on the cleaning spirits. These cleaning spirits just don’t like having to justify why this thing needs throwing out, or that piece of furniture needs moving a bit.

He is coming home tomorrow which prompted the last minute cleaning spree. But, I really did more than I meant to. It is almost done, just have a bit to do in the kitchen and then I will call it quits. Right now though, I have to sit for a few minutes to rest my back. It doesn’t like the cleaing at all.

Moving On

Remember the kit I mentioned in a previous post? The fish one? Well it got done and I really like how it turned out. Making that fishing rod and reel took some work. Hubby said he would bring out his for me to use as a model, but he did not offer until it was already about done. Though he did give me expert advice on some of the stuff. He pointed out the fish that were apt to be wanted for layouts and told me how the rod could be and still be realistic. Here are the previews:

Do you have some fishing photos that you would like to use this kit for? Well, I would like to offer you a coupon for this kit that will give it to you for 66% off – which would make the kit $2.04. Yep, this kit has 15 papers and oodles of great elements and I am offering it to you all for just pennies over $2.

The coupon code is: scrappycatsfishintime66

This coupon is good for this kit only and expires at the end of the month.

Moving On

How many of you all have Facebook pages? I just have to let you all know that this stuff can be addicting. Please be careful with those games. As I found myself tending to farm chores tonight in my underwear cuz Farmville is having this problem dressing us, I wondered how I got to this point. I have a sweet little tank or two of fishies that I run by and feed once in a while and then sell when they get adult, there is a rollercoaster park where I feed the attendants hamburgers and watch them jump for joy (including my daughter’s avatar who doesn’t like hamburgers, but, shhh! don’t tell her) and then I run to the mobsters games and find that, oops, I’ve iced 20 people so far. They just seem to get in my way! I love to play pirates and steal everyone’s money. Hopefully, I am not traumatizing some kids who are playing those games when I put them in the hospital. But, my pirate cat, KeelHaul Meow is right there egging me on. And, Oh, lets not forget all those slot games that keep me going. Yesterday, I played Lotto for over an hour. One slot game really gets me going cause I just can’t seem to win anything. Today, I figured it would take me 72 days to just finish the level I am on. So, that game got the axe – I used my axe from the Castles game to do it.

So anyway, until my mojo which has taken some serious vacation time comes back, I will be in the world of harvesting crops, chatting with mobsters and pirates, visitng  friends in Yoville and selling little fishies.

PS. Join my in my madness and add me as your friend, I send out lots and lots of gifts. Go to the forum at DSS (its linked, so click on it)  and send me a pm with your facebook name and I will send a friend request.


  • Mom – can you make some little “cleaning spirits” for me??? Maybe they will make my Thursday night cleaning routine a little more fun!!! (You do mean “spirits” as in the alcohol spirits type, right?)….

  • love your blog and that fish kit…
    ps.. try PackRat… you’ll love that even better than farming… !