What the Fox Did . . freebie also

This happened a week ago or so, but I just can’t get it out of my mind. Those of you who have been reading my blog faithfully know that I live out in the country away from all the noise and bustle of the cities. We have coyotes, coons, a wild pig or two and stray cattle all around. But, we also have foxes.

Now, I have not seen any foxes but one time, but hubby sees some all the time when he gets up in the night. He puts out bird seed for the birds and other wild animals and once in a while a fox will come by and help himself.

Well, one morning when we got up hubby told me that he had seen the fox during the night. I commiserated with him about not being able to sleep and we did not think more about it. THEN he when it got time for him to go out the door, he came and got me.

There on our front porch, which is about eight feet off the ground and has about eight stair steps up to it was a “gift” from the fox. Yep, you guessed it, he had pooped on our front porch right in the middle of the path to get down off the porch. THE AUDACITY! THE BOLDNESS! HOW DARE HE!

Since then several people have tried to convince me that it might have been a coon that did that, but I know what I know and it WAS the fox!

I just wish that he was not the only animal eating out of the birdseed dish. He would get a good surprise from me for sure.

Moving ON

I have uploaded two new Photoshop Action to my stores. One will create camouflage patterned papers for you using your choice of colors. The other will create a cluster frame using your papers and color choice. Be sure to check them out at:


Groovy Scraps


I could not get them up at Divine Digital as the store is down for remodeling. When they are back up, I will come back and leave a link here.

I also created a little freebie for you all usingĀ  the cluster frame action. Here is a preview of it – of course you don’t get the photo of my Grandson, the frame cluster is all you get.



  • Thanks so much, Nancy! I love the cluster frame. Makes me wish I used PS so I could have a reason to acquire these actions :-).

  • WHY DIDN’T YOU TAKE A PICTURE OF THE POO???? We could have asked the local “tracker” what it was for sure!!! I wonder what kind of food you could leave out for the fox so he won’t be mad at you anymore and stop leaving poos on your front porch…