Did ya think you came to the wrong blog or had the wrong URL? I was making a banner for our new sale we are going to be having on Fridays, called Friday $2 Express and decided to make a new banner for the blog. Well, it just did not fit the look of the old blog so I had to update a little. While I was at it, I upgraded the blog software to the newest version too.

I have been trying to find a new template for a long time that has only two columns. The three columns can really get messy looking cause I tend to clutter them up a bit. I may not be finished with the whole look, but basically it is done. So watcha think?


  • I ***LOVE*** that new header banner! Can’t wait to see what other graphics you add :-).
    Looks neat and clean too … just right for spring. Too bad my house does not look like that.

  • PattiD

    I really like the new header, and the look/feel of the rest of it too. Nice work. 🙂