Overwhelming (cluster frame freebie too)

Scrapper’s Zone Team collab came out this week. Its for scrapping hunter layouts and outdoor layouts. Oops, started to say for the male type layouts, but not just men like the great outdoors and hunting. Here is its preview, (click on the image to go to the store and see more about it.)

I think I overwhelmed the designers at DSS this week. We started a new service at DigiScrapStation – a Scrap for Hire – several designers have already put their services in the store. Basically, what it means, for those of you who are not digiscrappers, is we will create layouts for you with your photos. The cost is $5 for a single layout, $15 for four layouts and $25 for 15 layouts. I’ve created an ftp place and wrote instructions for those who don’t know how to use ftp so customers can upload their photos. All directions on using this service come with the downoad when you purchase it.

THEN I added Blog accessories and added Blog Customization and another designer asked about cards and then one asked about desktop calendars and well, we just expanded all over the place. Oh, we added a lady who does tagger art too. The blog accessories products will include instructions I wrote on how to add them to Blogger Blogs as well as WordPress Blogs. That was fun to do.

With all the documents and stuff flying around — we were updating, editing and more to each page — it became a little overwhelming for sure. I thought I would give them a break before I told them the next thing. WE STILL are working out a few details on the Scrap for Hire and Blog customizing thing.

But check out my new blog accessories. I made two kits already for blogs. These are at 72 dpi and come with directions on how to insert them into your blogs. One is a Chrismtas set – Pink Noel, It really was fun to make and the other is a pink set with a background that looks crackled. You can only get these at DigiScrapStation.

Now on to the freebie for today

I created a cluster frame for you all, it does not have holes in it for the photos so you can do one of several things. You can just plop the photo on top of it and add some shadow or you can cut your own hole for the photo you use. I put mine on top since I had two. Here is my sample:

This is my brother and sister when they were younger – we won’t say how much younger. But, they are older than me so you can image how old these photos are.

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