New Layout, New Kit, and NEW STORE!

Big, Big News! I bit the bullet and applied at Divine Digital and they hired me!!! I am soo excited and thrilled to be a part of such a great place. Its almost as exciting as having my own store. And you know what is even more exciting to a techie like me? They use a different program for their storefront so I get to explore some more code and stuff. LOL – I don’t know what impresses me the most their software or their sales!   about ten kits uploaded there already – rather Photoshop actions and kits and overlays. The previews there are to be larger than the ones I have already made so I am having to redo them. Since I lost most of my raw Photoshop files when the external crashed, this is going to be a little harder. But, since I was having to redo them anyway, I put a little extra Divine Digital on them. You gotta go look and see what I mean. They look OH so Divine Dahling!

I have not given up faith in my own store nor do I ie that DigiScrapStation is less of a store than Divine Digital, but hey, have you looked at their membership numbers? or how many people they have online at any one time? One day DigiScrapStation will be there, but it is not there now. We still need to pay our dues and work it, work it, work it.

My new kit is there even before I got it up in my own store. That is sad isn’t it? But as I was getting stuff ready it just cried out to me not to make it wait anymore. Maybe some of you remember me talking about a cat fairy? Well this is the kit with the cat fairy, the firefly and the green giraffe. Oh and there is a purple frog, and . . . . well just have a look at the preview:

Fantasia preview

You can click on it to go to Divine Digital to see it in a larger version. This is a huge kit, it has over 150MB of goodies – 20 papers and all those creatures you see plus of course some frames and some tags and the usual stuff you need to make layouts. I really don’t know how I will use them in a layout yet, but I am working on it. I think a cool photo of one of the cats being mystical would fit right in.

Speaking of cats, I have decided to quit teasing Dayton about his bad breath. It struck me the other day that his bad breath was really a sign of his manliness. He has that strong, awful fish breath that reaches out and chokes you from five feet away. It really is bad when he is laying on my pillow next to my head at night and decides to do a little grooming. Clio’s breath does not even compare – of course she is  female and very queenly with it.  But, since I took away Dayton’s other manliness traits, if you know what I mean, and I laugh at him when he runs to the top of the cat tree when he hears dogs, I have decided not to carry on anymore about this manly bad breath. Clio must like it so maybe it is a thing that attracts female cats and shows those females that here is a man that will hunt and feed their young without any worry.

I’ve given up trying to figure out how Dayton does it. There are times when Clio gets so made at him that she will chase him from one end of the house to the other. Then all he has to do is just walk close to her, plop down, turn on his back and she comes running to give him a bath. He even pushes her away from the food dishes. There are two of them and if she is eating out of the one closest dishes to where he is at, he pushes her aside and makes her eat out of the other dish. There is something to be learned here, but I am not sure yet what it is. Maybe that men tend to take what they want and expect women to like it? Na, the real lesson is that woman get back at the men in the long run – Clio sure does . . .LOL

So let me show you the new layout I made yesterday. These are the pictures I had made last Spring when I got my long hair chopped off. I really am proud that I did this, and hubbie likes the photos and did not even bat an eye when I told him it cost $30 for them. Of course, I told him I probably should not have done it and did not know what got into me –kind of apologizing ahead of time. So what else could he say? well, enough blatherin’ and here is the layout.

 Papers, trim and stitches by Scrappy Cats Midnight Moon, the bird is by Royanna Fritschmann, the swirl on the torn papers is BannerWoman’s, I made the torn papers up for this layout as well as the alpha as I went along . Midnight Moon was one of the first kits I ever madw way back when and it is nice to know that it still holds up to scrutiny over a year later. Boy, there has been a lot of growth and learning since then for sure.

No Freebie today, I just have been real busy getting the forum for ADSDesigners set up and working out the bugs and putting the modifications in. Just tonight I spent hours looking for something to allow users to get email notifications when new topics were posted. But, there just is not one. I did rebuild the smiley population there and will do the same for the other forums I manage. That took some time to figure out too. There was a mod for sending digests to readers, but it required a lot of hand coding  some stuff to do in Linux – I did not even know there was such a language. They got my hopes all up and then when I read the installation guide it says just don’t try this if you don’t understand what I am talking about. Oh well.

Anyway, no freebie, but will work on that for you all. Maybe before the weekend is over, but no promises!


  • WOW! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! (yes, I’m shouting!) on being on the Divine Digitals team. That’s wonderful!!!!!!!
    Will you still talk to us peons 😀 … nah, I rescind that question, I know you will.
    And also thanks for all your work on the ADSD forum.
    Oh, about Dayton’s fish breath … could he need a teeth cleaning? or daily brushing? Something that could help clean his teeth MOST easily are CET chews … most of my cats think they are treats. Almost as good are Feline Greenies treats.

  • Congrats!!! Thats wonderful news. I thought the same thing about my dog and his breath, but then I figured out he had a bad tooth. The infection in his mouth is what was giving him bad breath.

  • Congratulations on your new store!! I wish you the best of luck in your new digs!

  • Congratulations! I hope you do well in this store and the traffic in the other picks up, too!

    I remember my different cats and their smells. We would tease Rocky about his stinky breath too, but he took it in stride.

    Great layouts and blog! 🙂

  • Patti

    Congratulations on your new store! 😀

  • Debbie

    How DIVINE!!!! You are right they are a bunch of great ladies, and you will fit in with them great!!!! Congratulations. Hugs, Deb P

  • I love LOVE LOOOOVE the moon!!!! By the way ~ they do make breath mints for cats. Forgot to tell you the other day!

  • SherryD

    Congratulations Nancy! Being signed at Divine does feel like “having arrived” I’m sure. Hugs!

  • Congratulations! I hope you will do well in your new venue.


  • Hello Nancy,
    I have something on my blog for you. Come and see what it is!
    aka Angels Digi Scraps