Is that all there is? oh and another CU Freebie

So I’ve put on a few pounds these past few years, well a lot of pounds. At five foot almost nine inches you would think I could carry a lot of weight. But not so, with tiny bones, the weight causes problems. I’ve been on a few serious diets but nothing too extreme. But, now it is time to do something drastic, like maybe eat healthy for a change. Tuesday, when I went to the grocery store – the day I got my photos taken – I kept this in mind and was careful to leave the candy on the shelves and to look for alternatives. I even picked up some salad makings. AT checkout, I discovered healthy is expensive! I paid $111 for my groceries and when I carried them into my house, it only took three trips – Is that all there is for $111?

For lunch instead of eating sandwiches, two sandwiches being the norm, I decided to go the Lean Cuisine route. So the first day, yesterday, I self righteously got the box out of the freezer and followed the directions. When I pulled the meal out of the box, it was like, where is all the food. Is that all there is?? I was good, I determined to eat it up and not crave more. So, I put it on a plate and got a small fork to make it last longer. There were like five bites of chicken in there and a little bit of sauce AND broccoli and carrots for veggies. But, gee we have apples with crunchies for dessert on the tray. Holding off on dessert til last, when I started in on the apples, I found they had an unusual flavor. What is that flavor? could it be a caramel taste? If I could just identify the flavor perhaps I could enjoy it more. Then Iooked into the container, into the section with the apples and realized I was tasting broccoli juice. WEll, that spoiled the apples for me. What a bummer. So as I was cleaning up, what do I spy? The cherrie pie that I made on Sunday. It was just sitting there being evil. Did you know that cherrie pies can exude an evil atmosphere? This one was. But I was good, I did not eat any. After all the cool whip was still frozen and I had no ice cream. What good is cherry pie all by itself?

We will see how long I stay on this healthy food kick. History shows I am not good at this stuff called diet. Today, I had a beef and noodle dinner for lunch. I did not wait until I was starving to fix it and it was a little more satisfying. The cherry pie gave up a piece to me last night before I went to bed – now ithe pie is going out for the critters. It is soggy and very unappetizing. So I will not tempt myself any more.

Mama Cow came back tonight. AS i was cooking supper she was out there. She did not like all the noise I was making trying to find the right pots and pans so moved off. Then I saw she had brought junior up with her. Oh Boy! more cow patties. He was hiding in the brush towards the back where she must have stashed him while she ate supper. When she moved off, he had to follow and he was like, Is that all there is? I could totally relate.

Hey, I added another item to my blog – check it out on the left at the bottom of the column. Its a way for you to subscribe to my blog. It is set so every time I make a new post, subscribers will get an email. As most the time when I post, I give out a freebie, you might want to sign up. If you don’t like it, you can always unsubscribe. How cool is that!  will try to be sure I put in the title if I have  freebie with the post as the title of my blog post will be the subject line of the email you get. That way you will know if it is worth it to come read.

The freebie for this post is another Commercial Use Freebie. Its three bows to recolor. For some reason I learned how to make bows way back when I just started designing. No one told me they were hard and that a lot of designers could not do them. So I persevered and taught myself how. Here are three I made yesterday for you to download.

CU bows preview

Click here to go to the no wait download page



  • Thank you so much they are wonderful bows.I’m not that good with bows.Wish you a wonderful week-end and a Happy Mother’s Day hugs Lorri 🙂

  • Christine

    Nancy, you are too funny! I will have to sign up just so I can come read your stories! Thanks for everything you share!

  • Good luck with your healthy eating. We too have discovered its more expensive.
    Thats too funny about the cow and now her baby lol
    Thank you for yet another wonderful freebie!

  • I too have tried the “eating healthier thing” but can you imagine my grocery bill with a household of 6!?
    Thanks for the bows and and I wish you luck!

  • much appreciated, do you write tutorials and could you write one on how to make bows lol

  • OMG!! these are stunning thank you so much for sharing them and making them CU they’re awesome.
    Have a great weekend

  • These are so darling! Thank you so much for sharing!

  • Nancy, what a GENEROUS CU freebie!!! Awesome bows…thank you so much!!!!

  • thank you for the bows – I haven’t attempted my own yet – but I will!!! One day….x 😀

  • Tirza

    Thank you for the bows. I appreciate the commercial use.

  • Thank you ssooooo much for these bows!! I can NOT make a bow to save my life! lol I love that these are a bit different than the standard bow, I’m gonna have fun playing with them!

  • Linda

    Thanks so much for the pretty bows!

  • Sheila

    Thank you so much for the CU bows!!!!! I truly, TRULY appreciate all your CU gifts :-).
    Keep plugging on that eating healthy routine. I know it is not easy. I was diagnosed as type 2 diabetic in Jan, and have been grappling with changing my diet to help cope with this (Thank heavens for oral meds!!!!!!). I too have found it more expensive and that it takes me twice as long to do my grocery shopping :-(. Concentrate on whole grains as much as possible, try to minimize/limit the empty calories and sugar calories, and up your veggie/fruit intake.
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!

  • Gorgeous bows….thank you so very much! Hugs!

  • Sarah

    thanks for the bows – I am a PSE user and haven’t even attempted to do more than make a straight ribbon – and then I’m still not for sure it looks “real”.

    Good Luck on your diet – shopping right is harder I think – when you look at the prices after you shop it makes NutriSystem not seem so expensive after all.

  • Thank you for the CU bows. I have yet to learn how to do them, so I really appreciate this. 🙂

  • Thank you sooooo much for these great bows!!!

  • These are wonderful. Thank you! If you ever want to teach how to do them, let me know!

  • Grammadiane

    Thanks Dear….These are Great !!

  • Sharon aka Scrapcat4914

    TY so very much for your AWESOME creations!!!!!!!

  • Jennifer

    Thanks for sharing these great bows with us!

  • melissak

    Thanks for the great bows.

  • Thank you for the bows! And good for you on the healthy eating. I decided those Lean Cuisine meals were “diet” just because they had so little food in them, which really is the right amount for a “serving”! So keep up the good work. I know it is hard…..some days all I crave is chocolate and a real Coke. all the best…

  • Thank you so much for the bows! These are top notch!!!

  • Lauren

    Thank you very much for the bows!

  • Not gonna lie, these are going to come in tres handy in the future! Thanks, my friend. xo

  • Tammy Gary

    Yes, eating healthy does cost so much more! Good luck!

  • Elizabeth

    So very nice of you to share these bows with us. I’ll consider myself accomplished if I learn to color them well, let alone make anything! I enjoy hearing about the cows, thanks for sharing that, too!

  • Lea

    Thank you so much for sharing!

  • LOVE these!! WOOHOOO!! Thank you so much for sharing your AWESOME talent!! Have a LOVELY day! 😀

  • jene

    Thank you for the lovely bows!

  • Vicki

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for these pretty bows!

  • Cindy (cinmcw)

    Thank you so much for sharing your lovely bows!!! I can’t wait to play! 🙂 I really love your designs and appreciate your talent and generosity!

    I don’t like the word “diet”. It’s a BAD, BAD word in my dictionary. It might help to make a decision to “eat healthier” instead of “diet”. The ONE thing I remember about the very first diet I ever tried YEARS ago was the shock at portion size. I learned that it is not about WHAT you eat but ALL ABOUT portion control. Over time, as your stomach shrinks, it (eventually…) becomes enough. Helps a lot to supplement with veggies,
    anything that is 0-low in calorie. Wishing you the best of luck with this! 🙂

    I enjoy your sense of humor and love your animal stories (i.e., analogy -your small portion and the baby calf’s dissatisfaction with his)! Too funny!

    I can also identify with you and your experiences with your cats. I have 2 dogs. Currently, my dachsie is training me to give him the most expensive snack both before and after he eats his 1st and later 2nd meal of the day. I try to take a stand, but he just won’t give in. :)He’s greedy, too. But he has to deal with my other dog who sits staring at HIM, intimidating him to the point that he won’t eat until I move HER out of sight.

    In the end, no matter what they get, they just sit there afterwards staring at me, waiting for (trying to intimidate me into feeding them) more. Hogs that they are. Why do we allow animals that don’t even reach our knee make us feel so guilty?! 🙂

  • manu

    thank you – awesome bows!!!

  • Thanks for sharing these great bows with us!

  • Thanks for these awesome bows.

  • Linda

    Thanks so much!

  • Another gorgeous freebie Nancy. Thank you so much.

  • thank you so much for the CU goodies!

  • Pammi

    Thank You sooooo much for these awesome Bows and the ability to use them commercially.
    They are fantastic!!

  • Carolyn

    Thank you so much!

  • LadyShannon

    This is wonderful,Thank you so much for sharing all your hard work with us!

    CU Freebies Only Forum sent me!

  • very nice bows, TYVM for shareing these!
    CU Freebies Only Forum sent me!

  • Ann

    CU Freebies Only Forum sent me!
    Thank you so much for sharing

  • TAS

    CU Freebies Only Forum sent me!
    Thank you so much for sharing

  • Sandy

    Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with us. These bows are beautiful.

  • Jane

    Thanks for the bows, I just cannot get mine right!

  • Hello!
    Thank you very much for the freebie.
    What about your health? Hope everything is nice.

  • robin

    Nice bows! Thank you very much.