Category Archives: wildlife

Desktop for you and what’s going on!

Wow, have I ever been busy. For some reason the last two weeks have been very hectic. The end of the month rush of getting challenge gifs and team kit contributions really took their toll this time. I think it was partly due to the fact I had lost so much time to the computer troubles I had.

I am still finding things that happened to my computer that I did not realize due to using that recovery point thingie on my computer. I reset it back to the middle of July thinking there was nothing new added to my computer in the way of programs since then. But, here and there I am finding things that I forgot about. For example–I forgot I had added another email account, an important one –The one that I get my payroll stuff from Diving Digital on. It did not hit me until just two days ago that I was missing those because of the email account was missing.

Moving ON

Wildlife Report

Last time hubbie was here we had a ball watching the night time antics of the wild life around here. In one night we saw a racoon, a fox, and a possum. Then the next morning we discovered an armadillo had been in the front too. (They dig and leave distinctive holes behind.) The wild pig has not been seen. May just have ended up in the mess tent of some of the army type dudes who were on maneuvers just a couple of pastures over. Hubbie has trio of deer who visit and he sets out corn for them. One has twelve points and the other two have ten. They are gorgeous, what we can see of them in the night under the security light. I call them the amigos trio. They are always together like three good friends.

The snakes have become a real problem. Just a little while ago, I went out to put out seed and corn since hubbie was not here to do it. I dumped a bunch of seed on this satellite dish we use for that purpose and realized I had dumped too much. As I was bending down to scoop some back up, I looked and there was this fella watching me with his tongue just flickering. I yelled at him, threw rocks at him and even a stick. But, he would not budge. He knew that was a good spot to get him some dinner when the birds came for the seed. So, the nieces husband had to come shoot him. When hubbie is here he usually tries to relocate them but since he was not here, the snake had to go. He turned out to be much larger than we first thought. He had been wound up in a wad so we could not tell at first. But, he was a good four feet long if not more. It might have been the snake that I walked up on when I came home from a night with the daughter. Hopefully it was and there is not another one of those critters wandering around my yard.

Moving ON–New Product

I have some new items in the stores. The one you all don’t want to miss is the Mixed Bag I have up for just two weeks. It has four photoshop actions in it along with three other products. All together it is $30 worth of product, but if you get the Mixed Bag you only pay $5.00 –that is a great deal!

It is at Divine Digital, DigiScrapStation and ScrappersZone… links to these stores are up in my blog header.

And I have to show my newest action that I just finished. I will be uploading him later tonight or tomorrow.

This little dude gave me lots and lots of troubles. I must have built that action five times. Several times I had to start over because I had neglected to add this or that. Another time, I had it all done on my computer and in photoshop, but when I got up the next morning, the silly computer had restarted itself for some virus program or another. So when photoshop shut down without it doing it the right way, the action that had been made in the action palette was lost. BIG BUMMER as that was the one I really thought was IT! Anyway, he is done now and will look cute on any number of layouts. I was thinking a number of him in miniature lined up side by side would make a real cute border. Or perhaps a circle of them with the hats all pointing into the middle would be funny.

Moving On –a Free Desktop

I made a different kind of desktop today for my computer. It doesn’t have frames for photos. Instead it has a castle and a forest with a gargoyle in it. I like the idea of a gargoyle protecting my computer –kind like what they are to do for buildings –keep the evil dudes out. Most desktops I see around have a calendar on them and a place to put photos. But, I just don’t change the desktop that often and while I do put photos on my desktop, this one just did not seem to need one. I used my figments kit to make this one and thought maybe you all would like to use it too. Oh, don’t be fooled into thinking my desktop is always this neat. I cleaned it up special just for the print screen shot so I could show how I use the desktop. I generally have another column of icons on the right under the trash icon of kits that have been put up on the servers and just need to be put away. Plus there are always those other icons that just seem to multiply on my dust bunnies.

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