Category Archives: Uncategorized

Work in Progress – An Art Quilt.

So now the birthday bash is over and as the dust settles, we have to move on. Though, if you did not get the freebies I posted last week, you can still get them in the store, only now they are not free.

This weekend I have been working on my art quilt. Its not that I don’t have anything else to do, cause I do – a LOT to do. But, I just needed to relax and chill for a bit. So I decided to work on an on going project that has been in the back of my mind for a while. This is one of those projects that spend more time in your brain than on the sewing table.

I started this art quilt while on retreat where I had access to large tables to try the shapes out. I literally just cut out shapes and then threw them onto the background to see how they would go. I would rearrange, then add, then move and so on and so on. Once I got the big pieces on it was just a matter of figuring out what else to do with the quilt. Then I was able to start sewing and quilting on it a little at a time once I got home from the retreat. I have spent only three days on this so far – three days one day at a time here and there. But I really like how it is coming along. I only need to do a little bit more background quilting and it will be done. EXCEPT I am not too sure of the upper left corner – the one with the three strips coming down ending in flowers – Oh and I am not too sure about those flowers. I may be going back and adding some bodies to those and making them into butterflies.

so what do you think? should those strips go? I am debating just taking the tulle off that is under and around them and perhaps that would be enough. Of course, if I wanted I could just cut that part out and not even worry about seam ripping and then add another piece to fill in the hole and no one would know – LOL

Here is a close up of some of the stitching


Wow! Peanut Butter Cupcakes

The day before Memorial Day, Fort Hood opens up to let families visit the cemeteries that are on the range that is part of the base. There are quite a few of them as the army took over a LOT of property through the years. (We’ll save that issue for another post.) Hubby’s family gets together and goes to each one that has family buried in them. They try to clean and take care of the graves. I go along when I can. But, I just don’t do HEAT very well. Generally the tempatures are in the hight 90’s for these occasions and there is NO SHADE to be found at any of the cemeteries.

After the rounds are made we all congregate to have a family get-together and of course EAT! This year I made some Reese’s Pieces cupcakes. I really outdid myself on these. They were so good, I could not resist them. They are made with a chocolate cake mix and peanut butter icing. To make the peanut butter icing, you just add peanut butter to your decorating icing. I made a double batch of icing (2 lbs of pwd. sugar) and added about two thirds of a large jar of peanut butter. But be sure to leave the mixer out to add in the peanut butter. It really gets stiff. I finally added about a half cup of water to loosen it up some. But, I warn you! These things are good so be sure you have people to share them with or you will end up eating way too many! LOL


Thank you Veterns!

Today is Memorial Day when we remember our veterans that have died in the service of our country. Because of their sacrifice, we are able to live in a free country today. But, lets not just remember the vets who sacrificed their lives but how about the vets who contributed a part of their lives? It’s not easy to leave home and family and many men did that. They came home changed men and some of them were never able to hold down jobs orlive “normal” lives again. These men need to be remembered and thanked also. For some of them, what they were required to do to help keep us free was more than their minds could handle but they served willingly anyway.

So to all vets out there living and dead THANK YOU!

A special thank you to my father, two uncles, one brother in law, two brothers, and two nephews, and two sons in law. All who have served in some capacity. My father was killed in the service and my uncles served in WW2. My father who was killed in an airplane crash served in the Air Force and was part of the Berlin Airlift.

I made a Quick Page to commemorate our veterans. Below is how I used the Quick Page. You may download it by clicking on the image. To use a Quick Page, open it in your graphic program and then add the photo behind the cutout. Than add your own text to the tag.


Lazy Saturday

I must have used up all my energy  yesterday when I cleaned up my clothes closet. But, boy was it worth it. I can actually find what I want to wear! Plus I got my sock drawer organized and in a bigger drawer. Wow, it really made a lot of difference. So I feel its OK to vegetate a little today.

Oh and I also got a tutorial written yesterday for a quilt class – actually I was the student, the teacher asked me to write this as I figured out a better way to put the quilt together after we made all the embroidery pieces. It was a challenging quilt – the embroidery part that is. Each square had to be hooped at least four times and each time we had to be sure to get it centered right or else the flowers would not align up correctly. Here is a photo or two of it.the whole quilt

close up so the quilting shows


So, daughter wants to have a cupcake sale to make some money for the APAC group. APAC = Association for a Pet Adoption Center. They are trying to raise money to build a no kill shelter.

It was decided that these cupcakes would be the jumbo size – not cake size but bigger than the standard cupcakes. It takes just as much time to make standard cupcakes as it does to make the jumbo size, so we were going for the larger size since we could charge more for them. Four recipes were decided upon and at the last minute a fifth was added. They were Pink Lemonade, Margarita, Chocolate Martini, FlipFlops and Reeses PB Cups. We started in around 1:00 making them. (Late start was due to the supply shopping and a drs. appt.)

I have to say, we had lots of fun. The baking and decorating took place at my house since I had the most equipment AND the Kitchen Aide mixer. We had to be done by 5:00 so the daughter could take them to the APAC meeting and get approval for the cupcake sale. Here are a few of the cupcakes we made. Those Flip Flop cupcakes really turned out soooo cute!

Are you a Chinese Mother?

A book was recently brought to my attention over at the 2Peas Forum. They were discussing the book and article about the book called “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” by Amy Chua .
An essay that came from the book may be read at the Wall Street Journal website called Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior It made for interesting reading and part way through you begin to realize that you should be reading between the lines and maybe even a little bit between the letters – there is more there than an example of extreme parenting. Someone else felt bound to respond to this book and to the implied criticism of Western parenting with an article called Why American Mothers are Superior

This whole thing resonates with me as I see the premise is that Western parenting is too caught up in the worry of damaging their children and about protecting them from failure and from feelings of low self esteem. While, according to Amy Chua, Chinese parents will tell their they are stupid, ignorant and lazy in order to motivate them. She does stress that the term ‘Chinese Mother’ is not necessarily limited to mothers who are of Chinese origin but that it is a parenting style. I believe she is taking the position that children are strong and resilient and can take what parents dish out. Though, she also states that it takes a lot of love, attention and commitment to be a Chinese Mother.  That to me is the key, any parenting style needs to come from a strong love and commitment to do the best for your children.

When my girls were little, I used to stress to my inlaws that we were not supposed to be worried about raising children to love us, but to raise them to be happy, self confident and responsible adults. It would be nice if they learned to love us along the way, but our entire parenting strategies should not be built around the desire to have our children love us. Of course, having my children love me was very important to me, but I did not want to abrogate my responsibility to them in order to get them to love me. I was seeing it all around me at the time. Just as now I see all around me worries about the self esteem and sensibilities of children getting in the way of raising strong, self reliant adults. ( I also see that the word NO does not seem to be in their vocabulary and they do not know how to command respect and obedience -but that is another whole topic – LOL)

It seems to me that parents now days worry so much about their child’s self esteem that they do not let them develop strength of character or the ability to handle failure. We are wrapping our children up in cotton wool so to speak and not letting real life harden them to the point that they are unable to handle real life when that support is withdrawn. We end up with bullies who are used to getting their own way and victims who do not know how to deal with the bullies before the situation escalates.

I remember being so irritated with my husband as he would not applaud at dance recitals when the performance was poor. He said that the dancers needed honest feedback so as to know they should practice and do better next time. It is the same when raising children.Give your child honest feedback when they come home with the C in math instead of the A that you know they are capable of earning. Don’t be afraid to let your child know that you have high expectations of them. Perhaps that might cause them to live up to those expectations! But also you should be willing to put in the time and effort to help your child in these areas. If there is difficulty in grasping the concepts being covered by the teacher, then spend time at home working with your children on it.

So to answer my own question, yes I am a Chinese Mother – well almost. I would not call my child stupid or ignorant. Though I would not have a problem calling a child lazy if that was the truth. But, I would be sure that the child would be told why I thought him lazy and how I expected that situation to change. That makes be fall somewhere in between Chinese parenting and Western I guess.

Full Belly was had by all – -plus a freebie

What a wonderful day we had yesterday. We all got together to celebrate Christmas and had a ball. There was an awesome ham, my own dressing, cranberry jello, pecan pie, and lots of other goodies. And then we had the grandson – -such fun!

Of course, we had to exchange gifts and it was glorious. There are always goofs and mishaps of course  That is what makes it so much fun. My older daughter had left a flash drive here last time she was here and we could not find it even though I knew it had to be on my desk as I had it in my hand not too long ago. Well, one of the girls gifts was a bag with several things in it including a flash drive for each girl- kind of a stocking bag. When one daughter opened it she said how nice but when the other opened her flash drive it was the missing flash drive and it became a free for all! See, instead of packing up the two NEW flash drives I had inadvertently packed up the missing flash drive and a new flash drive. One daughter is saying, “You gave me a used flash drive?” while the other is saying, “That’s mine!”

Then there was the grandson’s new tricycle aka Hot Wheeler. It sure was in a big box, so I assumed it was already assembled. Well, no such luck so after it was opened it had to be put together. The two year old grandson was at first just happy with the box until he figured out what it was the adults were putting together and then did not want to turn loose of the parts. On the handle bars was some buttons for him to push that made fun sounds and music. By the time it was all put together he had pushed those buttons at least ten thousand times and we all were very agreeable to hiding the bike in the garage when he was distracted for a few minutes. Hubby, was rubbing his hands together and saying, “hee, hee, we sure love you daughter” knowing those sounds were going to drive her crazy within the first day!

We all got some new friends to carry around and take photos of during the coming year. The photos will be compiled into a book at the end of the year for a very interesting book. One daughter got a little toy crab, Dano got a Pelican (he is from Louisiana) I got an octupus and what did you get sweetie? – I forget. Such a terrible mother to forget your important friend. Here is a photo of my new friend and I could really use some help in naming him.My new friend - help me name him!

Finally as promised here is the Freebie. This is a Quick Page for those snow photos you all must have by now. Reading the news I see there has been lots of snow in many parts of the United States and even in the world. For those of you who are not familiar with Quick Pages, what you do is open this up, and put your photos behind the openings so they show through the holes. You will have to resize your photos and crop them to make them fit. I used just one photo to make the whole page  -duplicating it and arranging it so different parts of the photos showed in the different places. To download this Quick Page so you can insert your own photos into it click the download link below the sample.

Sample of how you may use this Quick Page


Christmas is Coming!

No, I am not running late. Tomorrow, our family will be celebrating Christmas – the family meal together, gift exchange and all. Menu? Smoked ham, dressing, cranberry sauce jello, rolls, pecan pie and other goodies. The grandson is getting his first tricycle and the girls will just have to wait to see what they are getting – -lol

Hubby and I already exchanged gifts, as well as the cats. The cats have already grown tired of their toys but the grandson had a good time with them this afternoon.

We did not have a tree this year as hubby has a huge, messy desk right now in the middle of the living room. I just could not get past that mess to put up a tree so the gifts went on the hearth with the stockings laying on top of them. As soon as hubby’s workshop is built, the desk is going out there. But, well, there are no plans in motion right now for the workshop and I wonder if it will even be built by this time next year, sigh. This is one project I am trying to stay out of – leaving it all up to him. So I don’t want to push and I don’t even know what it is he really wants to build. Have you ever been in that position – trying to stay out of something so you won’t be putting your foot wrong?

More to come on the Christmas when I get a chance.

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